Monday, June 18, 2012

nom nom or namm namm?

 Mama and Daddy might have to concede Charlotte's first word to more important things in baby life... Although she can say Mama and Dada, Charlotte does not often and pointedly do so. But when it comes to food and best friends, she can be very talkative! (in both languages spoken in our family)

When asked if she is hungry, Charlotte responds "Nom Nom!" (or "Namm Namm!" if she is speaking German at that moment ;-) and will pull up on her chair with an excited smile. When flipping through one of her favorite books, Charlotte also exclaims "Nom Nom!" upon seeing this picture of a little girl feeding her teddy bear.

A sign of language comprehension: response and recognition.
So to no surprise, Charlotte will also babble "Wau Wau" when spotting a four-legged friend or when asked how the dog or, more importantly, Penny goes.

Other favorite responses: Raising her arms high up in the air, with a big grin, when asked how tall she is -- or, again very important, who Penny's best friend is. Pointing at Mama's, Daddy's and Penny's noses, when asked. Opening and closing doors (asked or not ;-) ... putting things away (we'll see how long that lasts!), bringing and handing over toys, giving kisses, clapping her hands, waving hello and good-bye, pointing at favorite animals (cow, sheep, pig, duck, monkey and frog), hugging Rosa her bunny, heading over to Penny's bed, her wagon and sandbox.

Words define your world -
so it's fun to see what makes up Charlotte's these days!