Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Punching a clock sure can be a grind. If her weekend napping is any indication, Charlotte's days at the 'baby office' take a lot out of her (Ed.: what with the playing and dancing and painting and eating and sleeping...) Her afternoon naps have been pushing almost four hours the last two weekends, and she's always complaining about some dreaded TPS reports. Early this week she remarked that "Old man Leland was bustin' her hump" over something or the other. 

Even still, Charlotte enjoys daycare. We can see it: sometimes she doesn't want to go home in the afternoon. And she's learning a lot too. The disappointment that was Mama and Daddy's aborted attempt to teach some basic signs to the little critter has been rectified by her teachers. After only a week, Charlotte now signs for "more" at the dinner table. (Unfortunately the sign is the same regardless of whether the additional food is meant for feeding Charlotte or Penny.) 

(This is Charlotte's impression of Onkel Marcel after a busy work-week.)