Lights? Camera? Now it's Charlotte's time to shine.
Cognitive scientists have been periodically observing Charlotte's kindergarten classroom over the past few weeks. (That's what you get when daycare is attached to a research university.) They're developing a robot that interacts with children (using Bayesian inference no less). As a result, the team needs to watch how children interact and behave. During the recent Open House event, the lead scientist recognized me as Charlotte's dad. She walked towards me and described Charlotte bluntly: "She's a real ham." Apparently Charlotte observes when she's being observed and puts on a show accordingly.
As if that wasn't enough, we had our 60-day parent-teacher conference last week. Charlotte's social, emotional and cognitive development was discussed (and graded!). [More on that another time.] Charlotte's main teacher described her as "a people person." We knew what she meant. I guess we can look forward to home videos where Charlotte appears from off-screen riding a unicycle while juggling.
PS: Some may remember this cartoon. It has been hanging on Nana's refrigerator for well over a decade now. Across the peacock's plume is written "Troy."
The commentary could use some updating...