Thursday, June 12, 2014

ladies man

I'll be blunt: Charlotte is getting hard to put down. We've tried everything. Putting her to sleep when it's dark. Putting her to sleep when it's light. Reading. Not reading. Tranquilizers. Running. Painting. Playgrounding. Ju-jitsu pressure points. Crying it out. Laughing it out. And many more.

The kid simply doesn't like to sleep. If there's anything even remotely interesting nearby, she wants in on the action. And if nothing is around, she'll just talk. And talk. And talk. Loud snoring noises can't even derail the runaway train.

Recently, I've been trying new techniques. Letting her fall asleep on the floor, beside me, helped one night. She was out only shortly after darkness encompassed the room. But, alas, like all things: it wasn't meant to last, and we're stuck looking for new tricks.

Of course, that falling asleep on the floor doesn't work for Charlotte matters not to Penny. She seizes the opportunity to cuddle "on her level." Last night, Penny pinned my legs down while Charlotte peppered me with kicks to the neck and head [not pictured]. For a while, Charlotte's feet were on my head and Penny's head was on my feet. Good times.