We realized we have not yet done our big Halloween costume reveal!
In staying with her animal character theme, Charlotte chose to be a FUNNY BUNNY!
In fact Charlotte was ready to end trick-or-treating right after the first house: sitting down on the sidewalk to enjoy her very first bite, rather than going on... Instead of grabbing as much as she could, Charlotte also thought trick-or-treating was some sort of trade: told that sharing is such a good thing, she insisted on not just taking a candy from people but on giving one back (never mind that it was half-chewed).
Other than that, Charlotte enjoyed a jolly good time handing out candy at our house and parading with all her little dressed up friends -- especially since daycare was quite a 'zoo' that day...
We can already tell that Halloween will be one of Charlotte's favorite holidays. [Sie ist halt eine rheinische Frohnatur!]